
Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

General FAQs

What is VFZ Investment?

VFZ Investment is a global investment firm specializing in real estate, infrastructure, healthcare, technology, finance, green energy, and more.

Where is VFZ Investment headquartered?

Our headquarters is in Business Bay, Dubai, UAE.

How can I contact VFZ Investment?

You can reach us via:

Who is the CEO of VFZ Investment?

Our CEO is Mr. Faizan Ali.

What types of investment services does VFZ Investment offer?

We provide real estate investments, infrastructure development, financial services, healthcare investments, technology ventures, and more.

Infrastructure & Construction FAQs

What infrastructure projects does VFZ Investment invest in?

We fund roads, bridges, ports, energy infrastructure, and smart city developments.

What is green construction?

It includes sustainable building practices, energy-efficient materials, and eco-friendly technologies.

What are modular & prefabricated construction methods?

These are cost-effective and faster alternatives to traditional construction, using factory-built components.

Do you engage in public-private partnerships (PPP)?

Yes, we collaborate with governments and private entities for large-scale infrastructure projects.

How can I invest in construction projects through VFZ Investment?

Contact us for tailored investment plans in real estate and infrastructure developments.

Real Estate Investments FAQs

What types of real estate investments do you offer?

We specialize in residential, commercial, and industrial properties, REITs, and real estate development projects.

What are REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)?

REITs are investment vehicles that allow individuals to invest in income-generating real estate properties without direct ownership.

Do you offer real estate advisory services?

Yes, we provide market research, property valuation, and investment strategy consulting.

How long does a business consulting project last?

It involves eco-friendly, smart city initiatives that promote energy efficiency, green spaces, and innovative urban planning.

Can foreign investors invest in UAE real estate through VFZ Investment?

Yes! We assist international investors with legal frameworks, property selection, and investment strategies.

Healthcare Investments FAQs

What healthcare investments does VFZ Investment support?
  • We invest in hospitals, telemedicine, pharmaceuticals, biotech, and wellness initiatives.


Does VFZ Investment fund medical technology startups?

Yes, we support innovative medical technology and digital health solutions.

What are healthcare real estate investments?

These include hospitals, clinics, medical office buildings, and wellness centers.

Is telemedicine a good investment?

Yes, digital health and telemedicine are fast-growing sectors with high demand.

Do you offer advisory services for healthcare entrepreneurs?

Yes, we provide business planning, market entry strategies, and funding support.

Looking for a First-Class Finance Firm?

We welcome and celebrate different perspectives to help our firm, our clients and our people.